BB FlashBack SDK: FBRecorder



Set this property to True to have FBRecorder capture a video stream from a connected webcam while recording the screen. The captured video is stored in the FBR file along with the screen and sound recording.


public: Bool UseWebCam;

Public Property UseWebCam As Boolean


Your code should also set sensible values for the WebCamKeyFrames and WebCamQuality properties, and set the video format and source via the SelectWebCamVideoFormat and SelectWebCamVideoSource methods.

See Also

FBRecorder::UseWebCam  FBRecorder::WebCamKeyFrames  FBRecorder::WebCamQuality  FBRecorder::SetWebCamParameters

FBRecorder::SelectWebCamSource  FBRecorder::SelectWebCamFormat

FBRecorder::TestWebCam  FBRecorder::RecordWebCamToFile

FBRecorder::WebCamFormatsCount  FBRecorder::WebCamSourcesCount  FBRecorder::WebCamSourceAvailable

FBRecorder::GetSelectedWebCamFormat  FBRecorder::GetSelectedWebCamSource  FBRecorder::GetWebCamFormat  FBRecorder::GetWebCamSource  FBRecorder::GetWebCamProperties