BB FlashBack SDK: FBRecorder



Starts and stop display of webcam output in the specified window.


public Bool TestWebCam (long hWnd, Bool StartTest)

Public Function TestWebCam (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal StartTest As Boolean) As Boolean


hWnd (in) - handle of the window in which to show the webcam output.

StartTest (in) - set this to true to start showing the webcam output in the specified window. Set it to false to stop showing webcam output.

Return values

Returns True if successful.

See Also

FBRecorder::UseWebCam  FBRecorder::WebCamKeyFrames  FBRecorder::WebCamQuality  FBRecorder::SetWebCamParameters

FBRecorder::SelectWebCamSource  FBRecorder::SelectWebCamFormat

FBRecorder::TestWebCam  FBRecorder::RecordWebCamToFile

FBRecorder::WebCamFormatsCount  FBRecorder::WebCamSourcesCount  FBRecorder::WebCamSourceAvailable

FBRecorder::GetSelectedWebCamFormat  FBRecorder::GetSelectedWebCamSource  FBRecorder::GetWebCamFormat  FBRecorder::GetWebCamSource  FBRecorder::GetWebCamProperties