BB FlashBack SDK: FBRecorder



This event handler is called when FBRecorder has finished writing to the movie file. There may be a delay of a few seconds, depending on the size of the movie, between stopping recording and completing writes to the movie file.


protected virtual void OnCloseOutputFile(void);

Protected Overridable Sub OnCloseOutputFile

  Setting the event handler

MyRecorder.OnCloseOutputFile += new IFBRecorderEvents_OnCloseOutputFileHandler(MyOnCloseOutputFileHandler);

AddHandler MyRecorder.OnCloseOutputFile AddressOf MyOnCloseOutputFileHandler

MyRecorder.OnCloseOutputFile := MyOnCloseOutputFileHandler;

[C++ Builder]
MyRecorder->OnCloseOutputFile = MyOnCloseOutputFileHandler;

See Also

FBRecorder::Stop  FBRecorder::CloseFilesProgress