BB FlashBack SDK: FBRecorder



This event handler is called to indicate progress in closing the movie file when recording stops.


protected virtual void CloseFilesProgress (long current, long overall)

Protected Overridable Sub CloseFilesProgress(ByVal current As Integer, ByVal overall As Integer)


current - the % progress in the current stage. There are 12 stages overall in closing the movie file.

overall - the % progress overall in closing the recording


Use this event to display progress indicators while closing movie files after stopping recording.

Setting the event handler

fbEditor.CloseFilesProgess += new IFBRecorderEvents_CloseFilesProgressHandler(MyCloseFilesProgressHandler);

AddHandler MyRecorder.CloseFilesProgress, AddressOf MyCloseFilesProgressHandler

MyRecorder.CloseFilesProgress := MyCloseFilesProgressHandler;

[C++ Builder]
MyRecorder->CloseFilesProgress = MyCloseFilesProgressHandler;

See Also

FBRecorder::Stop  FBRecorder::OnCloseOutputFile