BB FlashBack SDK: FBRecorder



This method checks the structure of an FBR file to see if it can be opened by FBPlayer or FBEditor.

See Recovering Corrupted Recordings for information on using the files to recover recordings.


public Bool IsMovieStructureCorrect (String MovieName, long* ErrorCode)

Public Function IsMovieStructureCorrect (ByVal MovieName As String, ByRef ErrorCode As Integer) As Boolean


MovieName : the name of the FBR file to check the structure of

ErrorCode (output): if the structure is incorrect, this error code can be sent to Blueberry for further assistance.

Return Value

False if the structure is incorrect and the file cannot be opened by FBPlayer or FBEditor, True if the file can be opened ok.

See Also

FBRecorder::RecoverMovie  FBRecorder::CanMovieBeRecovered  FBRecorder::CreateRecoverInfo