BB FlashBack SDK: FBRecorder



Creates recovery data files during recording that an be used to recover a recording corrupted by unscheduled termination of the recorder process.

See Recovering Corrupted Recordings for information on using the files to recover recordings.


public: Bool CreateRecoverInfo;

Public Property CreateRecoverInfo As Boolean


Set to True to generate VDRST files. Two files are generated in the same folder as the FBR file: <fbrname>_1.vdrst and <fbrname>_2.vdrst. However, when performing a recovery it is not necessary to understand that these files exist. The application simply needs to pass the recovery file name returned by FBRecorder::CanMovieBeRecovered into FBRecorder::RecoverMovie.

See Also

FBRecorder::IsMovieStructureCorrect  FBRecorder::CanMovieBeRecovered  FBRecorder::RecoverMovie