BB FlashBack SDK: FBPlayer



Sets the current frame to the frame recorded nearest to but no later than a given time.

FlashBack movies can have realtime data encoded within them. The local time of recording of each frame is known.


public Bool GotoFrameRealTime (_int64 FrameRealTime);

Public Function GotoFrameRealTime (ByVal FrameRealTime As Int64) As Boolean


FrameRealTime (in) : the time of the frame you wish to select. This is expressed in 100 nanosecond intervals since 1st Jan 1601 - see the FILETIME structure in the Windows Platform SDK.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is non-zero.

If the time is before the recording started or there is no realtime data encoded in the movie file, the return value is zero.

If the time is after the recording ended, the last frame of the movie is selected and the return value is non-zero.


The frame selected is recorded no later than the time passed in.

See Also
