BB FlashBack SDK: FBEditor



This event handler is called whenever the FlashBack SDK code wants to display a message to the user.


public void ShowMessage (String sText, String sCaption, long lType, long* lResult);

Public Sub ShowMessage (ByVal sText As String, ByVal sCaption As String, ByVal lType As Long, ByRef lResult As Long)


sText - the text to display in the message box.

sCaption - the title of the message box.

lType - the flags used to set the buttons and icons displayed on the message box. These are as defined for the Win32 MessageBox API.

lResult - on function return this holds a value dependant on the button clicked by the user. It uses the same values used by the Win32 MessageBox API.


This event is provided so that further action can be taken when a message is displayed, or a customised message dialog be shown. The parameters passed to this event handler can simply be passed onto the MessageBox API.


Setting the event handler

fbEditor.ShowMessage += new IFBEditorEvents_ShowMessageEventHandler(EditorShowMessage);

AddHandler fbEditor.ShowMessage, AddressOf EditorShowMessage

FBEditor.OnShowMessage := EditorShowMessage;

[C++ Builder]
Editor->OnShowMessage = EditorShowMessage;


See Also

FBEditor::PlayEvent   FBEditor::ProgressorEvent