BB FlashBack SDK: FBEditor



This event handler is called as an export or movie loading process progresses.

Note that this event is deprecated in favour of FBEditor::ProgressorEventEx which passes a value into the event handler indicating the event origin.


public void ProgressorEvent (long Count, long Current, Bool* bStop)

Public Sub ProgressorEvent (ByVal Count As Long, ByVal Current As Long, ByRef bStop As Boolean)


Count - the total number of steps in the process. The event handler may not be called for every step in the process.

Current - the number of the current stage.

bStop - set this to True to stop the process.


The ProgressorEvent event handler is called from all exports, and movie loading.

Setting the event handler

fbEditor.ProgressorEvent += new IFBEditorEvents_ProgressorEventEventHandler(EditorProgressorEvent);

AddHandler fbEditor.ProgressorEvent, AddressOf EditorProgressorEvent

FBEditor.OnProgressorEvent := EditorProgressorEvent;

[C++ Builder]
Editor->OnProgressorEvent = EditorProgressorEvent;


See Also

FBEditor::PlayEvent   FBEditor::SetProgressorCaption  FBEditor::GetProgressorCaption  FBEditor::ProgressorEventEx