Password Protecting Movie Files

FlashBack movies can be password protected for playback and editing.


1. To make a movie playable only if the correct password is entered:

The movie must have been saved previously with FBMovie::PlayPassword = <some password> and FBMovie::EditPassword = ""

Set FBPlayer::PlayPassword to the password entered by the user. FBPlayer::Load() will fail and return false if this is not equal to the password previous saved in FBMovie::PlayPassword


2. To make a movie playable without a password and editable when the correct password is entered:

Save the movie with FBMovie::PlayPassword = "" and FBMovie::EditPassword = <some password>

Read the movie edit password via the FBMovie::EditPassword property. Check this against the password entered by the user into your application's user interface, and enable or disable editing functions in your application appropriately. Load the movie using FBEditor::Load


3. To make a movie playable with a password, and editable with a different password:

Save the movie with FBMovie::PlayPassword = <some password> and FBMovie::EditPassword = <some different password>

Load the movie with FBEditor::Load() and read the properties FBMovie::PlayPassword and FBMovie::EditPassword, comparing them with the password entered by the user into your application and enable playback and editing functions in your application as appropriate.








FlashBack movies can be password protected for both playback and editing.


1. To set a movie to be playable if the correct password is entered, but never be editable:

Set FBMovie::PlayPassword to != "" and FBMovie::EditPassword=""


2. To set a movie to be playable without a password and editable when the correct password is entered:

Set FBMovie::PlayPassword = "" and FBMovie::EditPassword != ""


3. To set a movie to be playable with a password, and editable with a different password:

Set FBMovie::PlayPassword != "" and FBMovie::EditPassword != ""


On opening the movie, your code has to set either FBPlayer::PlayPassword or FBEditor::LoadPassword and use the Load() method on whichever object type is opening the movie.

On case #3 above, if the FBMovie::EditPassword == FBEditor::LoadPassword, then the movie is both playable and editable in FBEditor.

To remove a password from a movie, set FBMovie::PlayPassword or FBMovie::EditPassword to a zero length string.







Movie playback and editing can be restricted by setting the FBMovie::PlayPassword and FBMovie::EditPassword properties.

When FBMovie::PlayPassword is set (i.e. != "")

To load a movie by the FBEditor you should assign a movie password for the FBEditor.LoadPassword property and then call FBEditor.Load method.

To load a movie by the FBPlayer you should assign a movie password for the FBPlayer.PlayPassword property and then call FBPlayer.LoadFile method.

To check/read/change the movie password you can use the properties FBMovie.HasPlayPassword, FBMovie.PlayPassword, FBMovie.HasEditPassword and FBMovie.EditPassword.

To remove any password just assign an empty string to the appropriate property.

Both PlayPassword and EditPassword can be used by the FBPlayer and by the FBEditor. The behaviour is exactly as in the FlashBack.

The movie may have PlayPassword or EditPassword or both. PlayPassword allows to replay the movie, EditPassword allows to edit the movie.

If PlayPassword = "" but EditPassword != "" then the movie can be replayed if the EditPassword was entered incorrectly.

If PlayPassword != "" and EditPassword = "" then the movie can't be edited but it can be replayed if the correct play password was supplied to open the movie.

And if both passwords are not empty then you must supply any correct password.