BB FlashBack SDK: FBRecorder



Returns the name, ID and component type of a sound source, given its index.

This method should only be used when the application is running on Windows Vista.

Find the number of sound sources by using FBRecorder::VistaSoundSourcesCount.


Public void GetVistaSoundSource (long SourceIndex, BSTR *DeviceName , BSTR *SourceName, BSTR *SourceFullName, long *WaveID, long *ComponentType);

public Sub GetVistaSoundSource (ByVal SourceIndex as Integer, ByRef DeviceName as String, ByRef SourceName as String, ByRef SourceFullName As String, ByRef WaveID As Integer, ByRef ComponentType as Integer)


SourceIndex (in): the index of the source

DeviceName (out): the name of the device the source is on

SourceName (out): name of the sound source

SourceFullName (out): the 'full' name of the device-source combination, in the form "device (source)". This can be passed to VistaSoundSourceName to select the source for recording.

WaveID (out): the ID of the source. This can be passed to VistaSoundSource to set the recording source. It can also be used with GetVistaSoundVolumeValue and SetVistaSoundVolumeValue to set the volume of the source.

Note: the ID of the "PC Sounds" source (the sound heard from the PC speakers) is -1

ComponentType (out): the component type for this source. Component types would include speakers, microphone, line, aux, compact disc and many others - see MIXERLINE.dwComponentType defines in the Win32 SDK file mmsystem.h. An application can use the component type to display tailored graphics or to search for a particular component.

Note: the component type of microphone sources on Windows Vista will be 4099 (MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_MICROPHONE).

See Also

FBRecorder::VistaSoundSourcesCount  FBRecorder::VistaSoundSourceName  FBRecorder::VistaSoundSource  FBRecorder::GetVistaSoundVolumeValue  FBRecorder::SetVistaSoundVolumeValue