BB FlashBack SDK: FBRecorder



Gets source indexes of the current sound source, microphone input and "mix" source (typically the sounds heard through the PC speakers) for the currently selected sound device.

Note: GetSoundSources should be called before accessing GetSoundSourcesInfo, to build an internal list of sound sources.


Public void GetSoundSourcesInfo (long* SelectedIndex, long *MicIndex, long *MixIndex);

public Sub GetSoundSourcesInfo (ByRef SelectedIndex as Integer, ByRef MicIndex As Integer, ByRef MixIndex As Integer)


SelectedIndex (out): index of the currently selected source on the current device.

MicIndex (out): this is the index of the microphone input source.

MixIndex (out): this is the index of the mix source for the selected sound device. This is typically the sounds heard through the PC speakers.


Set the current sound device via the FBRecorder::SoundDevice property.

The MicIndex and MixIndex are can be passed to GetSoundSource in order to get the LineID for those sources. Their LineID can be used in calls to SetSoundLineVolume, GetSoundLineVolume, GetSoundLineMuteValue and SetSoundLineMuteValue.

See Also

FBRecorder::SoundDevice  FBRecorder::SetSoundLineVolume  FBRecorder::GetSoundLineVolume  FBRecorder::GetSoundLineMuteValue  FBRecorder::SetSoundLineMuteValue