BB FlashBack SDK: FBPlayer



Event handler called when a mouse button is pushed down in the movie playback area.


void OnMouseDown(long mouseButton, long X, long Y);

Public Sub OnMouseDown (ByVal mouseButton As Integer, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer)


mouseButton - 0 = right button, 1 = middle button, 2 = left button

X - the x coordinate of the mouse, relative to the top left corner of the movie playback area.

Y - the y coordinate of the mouse, relative to the top left corner of the movie playback area.

Setting the event handler

void OnMouseDownHandler (long mouseButton, long X, long Y)

player.OnMouseDown += new IFBPlayerEvents_OnMouseDownEventHandler(OnMouseDownHandler);

AddHandler fbPlayer.OnMouseDown, AddressOf OnMouseDownHandler

FBPlayer.OnMouseDown := OnMouseDownHandler;

[C++ Builder]
Player->OnMouseDown = OnMouseDownHandler;


See Also

FBPlayer::OnMouseUp  FBPlayer::OnMouseMove  FBPlayer::OnClick