BB FlashBack SDK: FBMovie



Saves the movie to a new FBR file, using the specified file format.

Use this function to save movies that can be played back by applications produced by version 2.0 of the SDK. The current SDK version is 2.5.

Presentation objects introduced in version 2.5 are removed from the movie. Sound is mixed to a format that can be read by version 2.0 classes.

See FlashBack Movie File Format Versions to learn more about FBR file format versions and how they relate to SDK versions.


public Bool SaveAsUsingFormat (String sFileName, FBFileFormats format )

Public Function SaveAsUsingFormat (ByVal sFileName As String, ByVal format As FBFileFormats) As Boolean


sFileName (in) : name of the new FBR file

format (in) : A value from the FBFileFormats enumeration.




Use FBR format v1.45 - the version used by SDK 2.0 classes


Use FBR format v2.0 - the version used by SDK 2.5 classes


Return Values

If the function fails, the return value is zero.

If the function succeeds, the return value is non-zero.

See Also

FBMovie::IsOldFormat  FBEditor::IsMovieInOldFormat  FBEditor::GetMovieVersion