BB FlashBack SDK: FBMovie



Exports the movie to QuickTime format, with a specified filename and parameters.


public Bool ExportToQuickTime (String sFileName, FBExportToQuickTimeParams *pExportParams)

Public Function ExportToQuickTime (ByVal sFileName As String, ByRef pExportParams() As FBExportToQuickTimeParams) As Boolean


sFileName : the name of the QuickTime file to be created.

pExportParams : pointer to an FBExportToQuickTimeParams object that contains the parameters to be used in the export process.

Return Values

If the function fails, the return value is zero.

If the function succeeds, the return value is non-zero.


QuickTime (free or Pro version) is required to be installed to export to QuickTime. The developer should check that the SDK is able to export to QuickTime by querying the FBEditor::CanExportToQuickTime property.

If the ShowOptions parameter of the export parameters object is set to True, a dialog will be displayed that enables the user to change export parameters. If ShowOptions is set to False, the export takes place using the parameters specified in the export parameters object.

ProgressorEventEx events will be generated on the FBEditor object while the export process runs, enabling implementation of a progress indicator. Set the Stop parameter on progressor events to stop the export.

See Also

FBEditor::ProgressorEventEx   About Export Parameter classes