BB FlashBack SDK: FBLogs



This event handler is called by the FBEditor and FBRecorder classes when they want to write informational messages to a log file. It is also called when the FBLogs::AddInfo method is called.


protected virtual void LogInfo(BSTR message)

Protected Overridable Sub LogInfo(ByVal message As String)

Parameter Description
message Text of the informational message.


Use this event handler to write debug information to a log file.

Note: calls to the event handlers are asynchronous - your code should use critical sections, semaphores or some other mechanism to ensure that writes to the log file are correctly synchronized.

Setting the event handler

In the samples below, fbLogSys is an instance of FBLogs, and fbLogSys_LogInfo is your event handling method. See the samples that come with the SDK for more examples.

fbLogSys.LogInfo += new IFBLogEvents_LogInfoEventHandler(fbLogSys_LogInfo);

AddHandler fbLogSys.LogInfo, AddressOf fbLogSys_LogInfo

fbLogSys.OnLogInfo := fbLogSys_LogInfo;

[C++ Builder]
fbLogSys->OnLogInfo = fbLogSys_LogInfo;

See Also

Using the FBLogs class  FBLogs::AddInfo  FBLogs::LogError  FBLogs::LogWarning  FBLogs::Enabled