BB FlashBack SDK: FBExportToMP4Params



Returns and sets the width of the movie in pixels, when exported.

Note: if FreeScaling is set to False, limits are imposed on the export dimensions by the DeviceType property.


public long OutputSizeX;

Public Property OutputSizeX As Long


If ScaleToPercents is set True, OutputSizePercentXFloat and OutputSizePercentYFloat are used to scale the export. if ScaleToPercents is set to False, OutputSizeX and OutputSizeY are used to scale the export to an exact pixel size.

See also

FBExportToMP4Params:OutputSizeY  FBExportToMP4Params:OutputSizePercentXFloat  FBExportToMP4Params::OutputSizePercentYFloat  FBExportToMP4Params:ScaleToPercents