BB FlashBack SDK: FBExportToEXEParams



This property enables the export of localised EXEs.

It sets the name of the resource file that text will be read from, to be used in control captions in the exported EXE.


public BSTR Language;

public Language as String


The SDK installation folder contains a MicroPlayerLangs folder, which contains a file "original.txt". This contains the English text strings displayed in the EXE export interface by default.

To produce a localised EXE export:

  1. Copy the original.txt file and rename it according to the language it will contain (e.g. "deutsch.txt").

  2. Translate the new .txt file.

  3. Set the Language property of FBExportToEXE to the language name (e.g. "deutsch").

When the EXE export is generated, the SDK looks for the appropriate text file in the MicroPlayerLangs folder and sets control captions and menu items from the strings within.

If the SDK cannot find the txt file set via the Language property, it uses original.txt.

The text files must use unicode encoding.

See Also
