BB FlashBack SDK: FBEditor



Event handler called when the mouse is moved over the movie playback area of the editor.


void OnMouseMove(Bool ssShift, Bool ssAlt, Bool ssCtrl, int X, int Y);

Public Sub OnMouseMove (ByVal ssShift As Boolean, ByVal ssAlt As Boolean, ByVal ssCtrl As Boolean, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)


bShift - set to True if the Shift key is held down.

bAlt - set to True if the Alt key is held down.

bCtrl - set to True if the Ctrl key is held down.

X - the x coordinate of the mouse, relative to the top left corner of the movie playback area.

Y - the y coordinate of the mouse, relative to the top left corner of the movie playback area.


Setting the event handler

void OnMouseMoveHandler (Bool ssShift, Bool ssAlt, Bool ssCtrl, int X, int Y)

editor.OnMouseMove += new IFBEditorEvents_OnMouseMoveEventHandler(OnMouseMoveHandler);

AddHandler fbEditor.OnMouseMove, AddressOf OnMouseMoveHandler

FBEditor.OnMouseMove := OnMouseMoveHandler;

[C++ Builder]
Editor->OnMouseMove = OnMouseMoveHandler;


See Also

FBEditor::OnMouseDown  FBEditor::OnMouseUp  FBEditor::OnClick