BB FlashBack SDK: FBEditor



Inserts into a given frame of the movie an image with properties defined by the supplied FBBitmapProperties object.

This method is accessible to the Advanced edition of the SDK only.


public Bool InsertImageAtFrame (long frame, FBBitmapProperties* pBitmapProperties)

Public Function InsertImageAtFrame (ByVal frame As Integer, ByRef pBitmapProperties() As FBBitmapProperties) As Boolean


frame : [In] number of the frame to insert the image at

pBitmapProperties : [In] Pointer to an FBBitmapProperties object

Return Values

If the function fails, the return value is nonzero.

If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. The ID property of the FBBitmapProperties object passed in will be set to the ID of the newly created bitmap.


If the ShowOptions property of the FBBitmapProperties object is set to True, a standard image editing and selection dialog will be displayed, enabling a user to select an image file. Otherwise, the image file specified by the Name property will be inserted with the specified properties.

See Also

The FBBitmapProperties Class   FBBitmapProperties::ShowOptions  FBBitmapProperties::Name  FBEditor::InsertImage