BB FlashBack SDK: FBEditor



Exports the key press information, recorded at record-time, to an XML or text file in unicode format.


public Bool ExportKeyLogExt (BSTR sFileName, long mode, bool exportNotes, bool exportKeyLog, long format)

Public Function ExportKeyLogExt (ByVal sFileName As String, ByVal mode As Integer, ByVal exportNotes As Boolean, ByVal exportKeyLog As Boolean,ByVal format As Integer) As Boolean


sFileName (in) : the name of the XML file to be created.

mode (in) : takes one of two values.

0 = sentence mode.  Key presses are grouped together into words and lines, to make it more easily readable.

1 = raw mode. Each key press is in a separate node.

exportNotes (in) : include text in record-time Notes

exportKeyLog (in) : include key presses recorded at record-time

format (in) : this determines whether the exported file is in XML or plain text format and takes one of two values.

0 = text format

1 = XML format


Return Values

If the function fails, the return value is zero.

If the function succeeds, the return value is non-zero.


The XML created is of this form:

In sentence mode:
<sentence> nodes contain typed text and <virtualkey> nodes contain non-text key presses:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bbkeylog application="BB FlashBack 2 Player" movie="Untitled.fbr">
<sentence timestamp="00:00:08">This is keylog data</sentence>
<virtualkey timestamp="00:00:12">Ret</virtualkey>
<sentence timestamp="00:00:12">And a second line</sentence>
<virtualkey timestamp="00:00:15">Ret</virtualkey>

In raw mode:
<key> nodes contain text key presses and <virtualkey> nodes the non-text key presses:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bbkeylog application="BB FlashBack 2 Player" movie="Untitled.fbr">
<key timestamp="00:00:08">t</key>
<key timestamp="00:00:08">h</key>
<key timestamp="00:00:09">i</key>
<key timestamp="00:00:09">s</key>
<virtualkey timestamp="00:00:09">Spc</virtualkey>
<key timestamp="00:00:09">i</key>
<key timestamp="00:00:09">s</key>
<virtualkey timestamp="00:00:09">Spc</virtualkey>

Text format
An example of the data exported in text format:

00:00:04 BB Flashback
00:00:08 Ret
00:00:10 [Note] My note


See Also
