BB FlashBack SDK: FBEditor



Creates an empty movie in an FBR file.


public Bool CreateMovie (BSTR filename, FBCreateMovieParams* createParams);

Public Function CreateMovie (String filename, ByRef createParams() As FBCreateMovieParams) As Boolean


filename (in) : string containing the name of the new FBR file to create

createParams (in) : pointer to an FBCreateMovieParams structure containing information about the new movie


The FBCreateMovieParams structure members:

long FramesPerSecond : greater than or equal to 1

long Width : movie width

long Height : movie height

long BackgroundColor : RGB color

long Length : movie length in ms

String Title : movie title (property not used, leave as blank string)

String Name : author name (property not used, leave as blank string)

String Notes : multi line notes associated with movie (property not used, leave as blank string)