BB FlashBack SDK: FBEditor



Copies a bitmap of the current frame into a device context.

This method is accessible to the Pro and Advanced editions of the SDK only.


public Bool CopyCurrentFrame (long hDC)

Public Function CopyCurrentFrame(ByVal hDC As Long) As Boolean

Return Values

The method returns True is successful, False if not.


Set the DrawMouseCursor property to True to have the mouse cursor drawn into the frame, or false to omit it.

The device context should be created as a display device, and a suitable bitmap created and selected into the device context before passing the DC handle to CopyCurrentFrame.

I.e. the C++ code could look something like this:


hdc = CreateDC (TEXT("DISPLAY"),null,null,null);

hbmp = CreateBitmap(...); // suitable size and color format

SelectObject(hdc, hbmp);


or this would copy the frame image to a window.


// the window defined by hwnd will receive the image
hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
